1.Tigers are more stronger than lions.
Tigers can weigh up to 305 Kg while lions reach only ~250 Kg.
The tiger is more used to fighting one on one than the lion. This could be a huge advantage. Also, the Tiger is a brutal and fast fighter. The Tiger regularly takes on game that is far larger and stronger than the Lion and does such alone. The Lion requires the help of the pride to take out a large animal. When a Tiger fights, he fights to kill, not just to push aside someone and get better food. The tiger does not win by intimidation and social challenge, he goes into a fight all or nothing. The lion, being social, tries to win without having to fight if he can and resorts to intimidation, wrestling, and rolling first. He does not get serious from the beginning.
The tiger is a solitary hunter while the lion is a social animal, living and hunting in groups called prides. Though lions cooperate in hunting, the pride is very competitive during feeding. Weaker animals are pushed aside or chased off. The competitive nature of this social structure makes the lion more prone to fighting, especially males whose very lives depend (since the male isn’t as specialized in hunting on the open plains) on getting a pride of their own. The tiger is very quick so keepers of captive tigers must take care to avoid a sudden attack
2. They have enormous power.
The powerful structure of a Bengal Tiger enables them to drag a prey for almost a mile, even though the prey may be heavier than his own weight.
3. The white Bengal Tiger is a rarity.
A white Bengal Tiger with black stripes is because of gene mutation and not because they are albino.
4. The Bengal Tiger has the longest canine among meat-eating mammals.
Canines in Bengal Tigers can grow to four inches and are larger than that of a lion. These powerful creatures also have retractable claws which allow them to climb. Their vision is superior to many animals and they have excellent hearing ability.
5. Bengal Tigers are solitary animals.
They prefer the low lands and are often seen in grasslands, swamps and mangroves. These solitary animals usually come together during the mating season. Sometimes, they can be spotted living in groups of three to four tigers.
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