Hello everyone, all of you might have listened the term "cross breed" right?
Which means two animals of different species are crossed to get a new offspring.
The below list is a list of cross breed animals which attracted the attention of the entire population.
Which means two animals of different species are crossed to get a new offspring.
The below list is a list of cross breed animals which attracted the attention of the entire population.
1. Liger
The liger is a hybrid cross between a male lion and a female tiger. The liger has parents in the same genus but of different species. The liger is distinct from the similar hybrid tigon, and is the largest of all known extant felines.
Zonkey(Zebra + Donkey)
(Image credits: firenze.repubblica.it)
A variation of the aforementioned zebroid. (source: wikipedia.org/wiki/Zebroid)
3.Jaglion(MaleJaguar + Female Lion)
(Image credits: bearcreeksanctuary.com)
A rare combination. These photos are of Jahzara and Tsunami, born at Ontario, Canada’s, Bear Creek Wildlife Sanctuary. (source: wikipedia.org/wiki/Panthera_hybrid)
3Geep(Goat + Sheep)
Image credits: My Petting Zoo)
Another rare animal, as the offspring of goat and sheep pairings are usually stillborn. (source: wikipedia.org/wiki/Geep)
4GrolarBear (Polar Bear + Brown Bear)
(Image credits: dpa)
Also called “pizzly bears,” most grolar bears live in zoos, although there have been a few confirmed sightings in the wild. (source: wikipedia.org/wiki/Grizzly polar_bear_hybrid)
(Image credits: Anne Marie Fraser)
Coyotes and eastern wolves only diverged some 150-300,000 years ago, and the two are able to produce offspring. The resulting Coywolves share many behavioral characteristics, and are between the coyote and wolf in size.
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